Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm Back..and offering something AWESOME!

Hair is my passion! I don't know if you know this about hairdressers but every one of us has our FAVORITE part of hair dressing...some love to cut. some love to color. I LOVE to style!

This doesn't mean that I can't rock out a great cut and color...I just adore the styling part. Now what makes me different from a lot of stylist out there is that I don't just like to style it for you and send you on your way. Only to have GREAT hair for just one day. Oh no..I LOVE to teach you HOW to get that style whenever you want it!

Because of my passion and because for years now people have been BEGGING me to offer classes...I am officially offering HAIR LESSONS!!!
Now if you are my client, you all ready know that I take as much time as I can to teach you what I can at the salon. BUT I allways wish that I had more time. So now I am offering 1 hour private sessions at your *home, in your bathroom, with your hair tools!!!

This is so exciting for me. BECAUSE I can not only teach, but I can observe and see what you have for skill and where I can help. I also love educating you on whats out there to make your time and effort in the mornings work for you..not against you.

My job is to unlock that diva within you and direct your attention to what God has blessed you with for hair. Natural curly, straight, thin, thick..we all need to tweak it a little or allot to that look we are craving for. I know how and what to use to do that.

1 hour private sessions for the following:

Blow Drying/ Round Brushing
Curling with flat iron /curling irons
Short hair
long hair
Medium hair
Celebrity styles
messy buns
up do's
Whats new?
product knowledge
baby hair
curly hair
straight hair
natural curly hair
accessory placement
entering the teens
Private Sessions are 65 dollars. (1 hour session)

Remember that old saying "if you give a man a fish, He'll eat for one day. Teach a man to fish, He will eat for a lifetime".
Same goes for your hair.
"Style a woman's hair once, she will look fabulous for a day. Teach a woman to style it, She will look fabulous for a lifetime!!"

Group sessions are available for:
celebrity styling
mommy daughter
messy buns
whats new?
product knowledge
accessory placement
entering the teens

Group size: 3 to 5 $25.00 each (1 hour session) 5 maximum
Group size: 8 to 10 $15.00 each (1 and a half hour session) 10 maximum
Sessions will be taught at **Hostess's home

The first 10 sessions to book will receive my "style secret weapon" for FREE!

Please email me for additional information at


your personal hairstylist

*travel charges will apply outside of my county
**Hostess is defined as the one putting together the group for group pricing

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Fall Hair Collection

My 2009 fall Collection is one of elegance mixed with sassiness. the colors enhance the beauty of the eyes and the skin tone giving off a bit of a glow. the bohemian accessories are placed just right to create style and set you apart from the rest of the crowd. the curls and waves show off your red carpet hair and add a goddess like detail to your look. You'll be a mix between a hippy child and a Greek goddess giving you a free spirited noble essence as you walk by. If you don't like to draw attention to yourself or get stopped by a compliment then my fall collection is not for you. I guarantee you will have a new perspective on your individual beauty after you try this collection on. If you are interested in getting this look or even in my hair accessories you can contact me by email at
I had SO Much fun with this photo shoot!! As an artist i am all ways looking around everywhere I go consciously and unconsciously making it better in my eyes...but most the time it's just in my head...this day i was surrounded by my art and it was so so so invigorating. From the colors I put in their hair, to the curls, to the hair things ..EVERY thing was a "Dusti creation".. I didn't create the outfits but I put them together and it was all so ME!!! it was really fun. Mandy Waters (my sis) was the photographer which made it that much more fun. She did amazing and she's just a starter at taking pictures. You can tell in some of them we were fighting against time with the sun setting, but we still got allot of great shots. My models were AMAZING and so photo genic Thankyou to all of you beautiful inside and out girls you made my vision come to life! Thankyou to Mandy for all the time and are truly talented! afterwards we all went to chilli's and I walked behind them all on purpose...EVERYBODY looked and kept looking at them all even after we sat down.. It was so fun to create what is in my mind, and have people admire it.
as I have said before in earlier posts I don't create beauty...I can only enhance it and EVERYBODY has beauty in them..just sometimes its hard to see it in ourselves. ever since I was little i have been able to see colors and lines (cuts) that would enhance peoples natural I have the tools to do it and it is so amazing to live my passion.
Love Dusti
"your persnal hairstylist"

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Uppity" up a little

"Uppity" Up a little is what I like to do for those of you that are growing your hair out. You know it's a hard process to get that hair over your shoulders and it's just not in a will all ways want to cut it off and start all over again..Don't do that just "uppity up" you hair. Here I have a great example..this is Mandy my most LOYAL client of all..( my sista) and she is on a journey to grow her hair. But she was hitting into that same wall that ALL of us "adventurous growing our hair longer gals" hit...the SHOULDERS. Plus her winter do is a summer don't on the color side. Instead of cutting her hair all off I brightened up her day with some highlights and a healthy trim... I thrown in some great Layers to give movement and style to her "oh so dull" back in a pony tail escape.
Doesn't she just glow.....I have the prettiest clients in the world!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

When springs in the air...Flowers go in the Hair!!

Spring is an exciting time of year...beez are buzzing, flowers are
growing, rain is falling. A time for spring cleaning, out with the old and in with the new! same goes with your hair. Since spring tends to bring lots of showers, its hard to spend alot of time on a hair do that's just going to get wet. Flowers are the best accessory.. and I'm not talking yard work here!

Along with spring cleaning, when you ad that bouquet of flowers to your table to brighten up the room do the same for your hairstyle, you can purchase fake flowers that all ready have a clip sewn on for you or you can pick real ones from your own flower garden. whatever you choose, make sure its not too big. rule of thumb, the shorter the hair the littler the flower, the longer bigger hair the bigger flower, with this look its all about proportion. If you are using a real flower for the day pair it up with two bobby pins place the flower where you like it best, hold it there with your finger while you place the first bobby pin in crisscrossing it over the stem of the flower in a diagonal position. Now take the second bobby pin and diagonal it the opposite way crisscrossing the first bobby pin. I know it sounds difficult, but it just takes practice. Don't give up. with really really short hair i would suggest investing in some tiny bobby pins that have tiny flowers glued to them. I would place them sideswiping your bangs to the left or right side of your head. for you gals with long hair or hair to the shoulders do a side messy bun. first choose either the left or right side (i prefer to go the opposite side of my part) take your hair to the side put it into a pony tail then take a second rubber band and make it into a messy bun. on the side of the bun that is closest to your face leave a spot that you don't make messy, place your flower there.

On those grey rainy days, you will bring spring into wherever you go. and no matter how wet your hair gets, you will not have a bad hair day. flowers are so fun, they make a really boring bun into a festive "I actually did my hair" today, they also pull bright spring outfits together. tip: the color of your flower should be the color of the least amount of color that is on your dress. example: if you have a mostly orange dress with little bright pink swirlies in it..go with the bright pink flower.

When you come in for your spring color or haircut, bring your favorite flower and I will show you how to do a couple extra styles with spring in mind!!

Here are a few places that carry my favoite hair accessories:

Claires (any mall)

Quilted Bear

for those of you that have little girls, dont be ashamed to share hair accesories with her. remember..we are only as old as we tell ourselves! and we are never to old to wear flowers in our hair!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


What does that mean? well, this saying has shown up a few times in my life...first time i ever heard it was from my grandparents mouths "Dusti Do I love you" and in my teenage years that saying gave me enough time to run and hide from any gushy grandparent hugs and kisses. However since the death of my grandpa Grisel in 97' i have a special place in my heart for those words that have shown up in various places and dreams as a reminder , im sure, that he still says "dusti do..I love you". whats interesting about the time of his passing is that I was sixteen and very creative with my hair and others...soon my friends had coined the phrase "give me a "dusti Do" and everybody knew just what that meant. later on in hair School the same words appeared when doing hair of clients..people soon were sitting in my chair requesting familiar words "Dusti-Do"...Please!

I suppose my grandpa has something to do with it..he allways had a way of finding me to give me those dreaded hugs and kisses! All of you who have had your hair done by me know just what Im talking about. if you haven't I invite you to discover what it is and know that it all comes from passion of hair and love of sassy, fun, bold and beautiful creations!!! I soon will post some pictures of my favorite Dusti-Do's. Come in and get one for yourself and I'll teach you how to recreate it everyday!!

It is my pleasure to announce that I am finally on the map!! Starting March 11th, 2009 I will be creating Dusti do's wednesdays and every other saturdays. I cannot put my location or even what city for safety reasons, however you can contact me by email at or post a comment leaving your email address and I'll get back to you!! my specialties are: Updo's weddings, a-line bobs, color, deep conditions, curly hair, thick thick hair, scalp treatments and more. visit here often for tips and specials!! I am so EXCITED to share my passion of hair and beauty with you all!!!

Sincerly, Dusti
creator and co-founder of "Dusti-Do's"!!